Wow! What a month! Oh how we were tested. Ken started the month with knee surgery, again and bronchitis! Thankfully it was just some "clean up" work on the knee that was operated on last year. One week later his father passed away! Bob had been sick for many years, but this was still unexpected. After that our oven broke, and then our garage door broke! Those 2 things in total cost us 400.00 extra dollars right at Christmas time! After I had my nervous breakdown (twice!) I knew that God would provide the peace I was needing. So, I picked up my head and took a deep breath. Next thing I knew, Caroline had bronchitis and the beginning stages of walking pneumonia!! Praise the Lord for the "Z Pack". It was gone in no time!
When we were at our Sunday School Christmas party, I was talking to a friend and said "God is testing us!" She replied "The devil tests us, not God. He wants to see how much faith we have in Him." I thought about that, and was reminded of Job. Now, my troubles were not nearly as
devastating as his, but at that time, they felt like it. We were so desperately looking for Christmas and trying to find the joy that comes with it, that we had to stop and remind ourselves, that just because the decorations are up and the month of December is here does not mean that "life" stops. Trials and testing come at the times you are most vulnerable. Christmas is in our hearts, not the warm fire, the decorations, the tree or the presents. Just because the calendar says December does not mean your life will be "untouchable" for the month. What it does mean is that Jesus walks with you through EVERY trial and test. That because of Christmas we have a Savior that never leaves. I told Ken, we will be blessed after all of this I know it. He quickly corrected me..."We are already blessed because He has been with us through it all." We do not get a "prize" at the end of every trial we go through. We have The Prize all of the time! What a comfort! .....It is amazing what God will use to change your whole perspective! I have been looking inward for a while now. God has changed my focus through all of this. I have a peace that I have been missing.
"But your heavenly Father knows perfectly well that you need them, and He will give them to you if you give Him first place in your life and live as He wants you to." Matt. 6:32
"So don't be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time." Matt. 6:34