Just last week I was thinking that the Lord was laughing at me.....If you know me at all, you know that I am happy with my 2 children and feel that my nest is full. We have made sure of that by taking Mr. Ogden to the Dr. However, I was on the phone with the nurse on Thursday, saying the words, "But I am like clockwork every month!" I was 3 days late and heard those dreaded words..."Come in for a test." Oh no...no,no,no! I will take one at home, ALONE, so that I can react the way I want to and not how I should (being that this would be a blessing I would have to get used to!) So, off to Walmart we go. I put the test in the buggy, discretely, hoping not to see anyone I knew. I went off to do something and left Ken and Caroline with the buggy. When I came back Caroline was holding the box. She said "Mommy, is this to take your patempature?" I quickly said "Yes, now put it down." I looked at Ken, and he said, "Yes Caroline, Mommy will know in a couple of hours whether she has a headache or not." I tried not to laugh but could not resist. The good news is after several checks back to the trash can, the test was negative.
I think that sometimes God just wants to make us squirm and remember that He is in charge, not us. I truly feel that He has a wicked sense of humor sometimes. But, I know that He loves me!!!
"The Lord will accomplish what concerns me; Your loving kindness, O Lord, is everlasting, do not forsake the works of Your hands." Psalm 138:8
"Until the time that His word came to pass, the word of the Lord tested Him." Psalm 105:19