Tomorrow my baby finishes up Kindergarten! Both of my children will now be in the single digit school years! This picture was taken on a "Parent Lunch" day at Unionville Elementary. Caroline was so happy to have us there. She has grown up a lot this year. She now knows how to read and write stories. She is quite the artist. On her 1st report card she scored lower on writing b/c she took all of her time drawing a picture about her story and ran out of time to write it. However, the next 6 weeks, she raised her grade from a 1 to a 3! (3 being the highest) She worked very hard and is now a great writer! Ken and I were talking about her and Sam's personalities being so different. Observing them in their classrooms, Caroline has a lot of friends. But like her mother, she is not one to "take" on a room full of people. She looks around to see who she knows and who talks to her. THEN, she begins to shine and her true personality comes forth. Her mind is set on what she wants and you will not change it. She decides what she will do and when. I am not saying this when discipline is involved. Caroline is very compliant is this area. I am talking about her style of clothing, hair,... things that reveal who she is. Sam on the other hand....takes over a room full of people. I have subbed in his classroom. Those kids LOVE him! He does not have to do anything and they are all talking to him and about him. He is a goofball and they eat it up! He truly has no clue about how powerful his personality is! On the other hand, he is very indecisive. It takes him a while to make up his mind. But when he does...he stands firm on what he thinks is right. He is very sensitive and loving.
The Lord gave me 2 very different children, that I love more than anything! He blessed me.
"God...generously gives us everything for our enjoyment." 1 Tim.6:17
"God has shaped each person in turn; now He watches everything we do." Ps. 33:15
The Lord gave me 2 very different children, that I love more than anything! He blessed me.
"God...generously gives us everything for our enjoyment." 1 Tim.6:17
"God has shaped each person in turn; now He watches everything we do." Ps. 33:15
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