Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

I am 34 today!! I have to say, age is all in the mind. My 30's have been the best yet. I am comfortable with who I am and my relationships are much more genuine! I share this birthday with my friend Holli (she just got here a year earlier ) :)!!!! We do not live near eachother anymore, but still make a point to wish the other a Happy Birthday! Ken and the kids could not wait to give me my present, so I got it last night. A new purse of course. It was not from Target this time though....it was a Coach bag. Now, I LOVE these purses, and have a few, that were bonuses given when I worked, this time was special though. It came in the big brown box, had all the tissue paper, and the protective bag to store it in!! I lost my breath when Caroline brought it to me! Then I shot Ken that "I can not believe you bought this !" look. Unlike me, he does not think of cost on special occasions. But I love that about him!! Speaking of my husband...today is our "first date ever anniversary"...15 years! We went to see Beverly Hills Cop 3. Terrible movie. I am glad that it did not affect our relationship!!! He is taking me out on Friday. Tonight however, my birthday and our "anniversary" will be spent having dinner at moms!!!


  1. Happy Birthday! I saw Ken at the gym this morning...he was working hard, clearly getting ready for the dual celebration of his 'first date ever anniversary' and the birthday of his 'best girl'. Enjoy your day!

  2. Happy B-day Ms.Natalie!!! Try to look at my blog I started yesterday. www.inthewordsofemily.bloggspot.com -Emily
