Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Reasoning of a Child...Sam

Mom. I am going to ask Santa for an IPhone for Christmas.....

Sam, those are very expensive....

But he is Santa, he can make anything!

I do not even have an IPhone Sam.....

That is because you do not buy yourself one Mom!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Caroline lost her first tooth!! (Literally!)

Caroline's tooth had been loose for a while. Mom tried to pull it last week and it was not ready. As of Saturday, the tooth was just hanging there! She would not let me pull it! It blead while she ate banana pudding for goodness sake! So, just like every good parent, I tried reverse pshchology on her.

"Caroline if your tooth falls out in your sleep and you swallow it, the Tooth Fairy will not come! You will not have a tooth to give her. Then, you will not get any money."

"That's ok mommy, it will not fall out while I am asleep. Nanna can pull it tomorrow. I promise!"

So, Sunday morning, I woke Caroline up for church. I jokingly said, "Did your tooth fall out last night?" Oh my was gone! She reached up and began to panic!!!

"Now I won't get any money!!!" I looked all over for that tooth and could not find it anywhere! She swallowed it!

After rethinking ever using reverse psychology again....Caroline wrote a note to the Tooth Fairy explaining what happened. She asked her to please come back and bring her money for her "lost" tooth.

This morning there was $5.00 in her pillow! (That is the going rate for the first tooth only!) It's is only $1.00 after that! (Even the Tooth Fairy has a budget!)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Another one from Caroline...

Ken's dad is known as Granddaddy Bob. When we were outside the other day, Caroline saw a granddaddy long leg and screamed:

"Oh no it's a Granddaddy Bob!!!"

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Happenings....

Well, it has been a while since I last posted anything. We are busy around here! School is going well for the kids. We had our first progress report for Sam, he is graded this year. He has 99% in math (he is not my child) a 99% in Science (could be my child) and an 85% in reading. We are very proud of him! Caroline is doing great also! She gets check marks on everything, and her reading has greatly improved! I credit her teacher this year. Sam had her for Kindergarten and she had them reading by Christmas!
I have started a new adventure in my life. I am now a Southern Living at Home Consultant! I wanted to do something and still stay home with the kids, but also use the Interior Design degree that I am still paying for! I have my first 2 parties next week and am so excited!
Ken and I are teaching 9th and 10th graders in Sunday School now. Yesterday was the first day and Ken was on a plane to CA! I had to teach by myself! It was challenging, but I will surely enjoy it! Preschool has started back and my little 3 year olds are precious! My womens Bible Study is fantastic! We are doing Kay Arthur's Covenant. It really defines what it means to be in "covenant" with the Lord! My look at salvation will never be the same! Praise the Lord!!!