Friday, August 28, 2009

Sams New Video

Ken finished Sam's InStability video. It is at the top of my video bar. Check it out!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What did you say? Oh, you meant....

Caroline has her own way with words...

"Oh my foot is crimped!" = cramped

"I want to go to college at "Chapel Chill...I mean Apple Hill.... I mean Chapel...Oh what ever!"

"Do not ask Daddy that I said that!" = "tell" (she still at 6 does not get ask and tell right?)

"Are we going to have juice and crackers at church today?" = Communion

The first day of school.

Every mother knows the "pressure" of getting the right teacher for your kids. You remember as a child lying awake the night before school and wondering..."Who will I get? Will she be nice? Will my friends be in my class?" Well, we have been in that mode for the past week. Here in Unionville it is such a "big ordeal" that the principal waited until the night before school to let us come to open house and find out who our teachers were. Now, most schools had their open houses 3-4 days before. Nope, not here! There was even a message sent out by phone 2 days before....."There will be no student class changes." Like, do not even ask!!!

So, Sam was the most worried. His 2nd grade teacher was moved to 3rd...oh how he wanted her again! Young, blond and laid back. She even came to see him skate! There was one other, a middle choice, and then the "I do not want her! She never smiles and is mean!" Well, he got the "middle choice" and was happy. Until we go and see she had a baby the day before and is out for 6 weeks! If that was not disappointing enough, he has NONE of his friends in his class. I felt so bad when I picked him up yesterday...Sam is so social, but to make all new friends is so hard. I tried to encourage him, but I do not think it worked. To make matters even worse, Ken is out of town! When Sam is down, a phone call is just not the same as having daddy here! I am hoping that today goes better! I was talking to my oldest friend (32 years), we never got in the same class. There was 4 of us, they were always together and with the "best" teacher. I was always put in the class that no one wanted! So I can sympathize with Sam, but I am Mom and I know nothing!

On the flip side, Caroline is thrilled with her teacher and so am I. She got Mrs. Thompson, Sam's kindergarten teacher. She was moved to 1st grade this year. I know that Caroline will come out of her class sooo strong and ready for 2nd, no doubt!

"It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions not fail. They are new every morning: Great is thy faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22-23

Sam won at the beach!

We took an overnight to the beach last Friday so Sam could compete in a competition there. I am proud to say that he won 1st place in his division!!! He still competes in the beginner category b/c of his age, but I am afraid that we may have to move him to intermediate soon. He was doing tricks and jumps that those kids were doing! We knew he had won when he transversed from a 6 ft ramp to a 5ft ramp and landed it. He was scared to do it at first and we kept encouraging him. I told him there are no points for not trying. So, he tried twice and fell both times. They announced time for one last trick....he went back and landed it! The whole place jumped up, even the other kids! It was GREAT! We are so proud of him! He won a $75.00 gift certificate and used it for shoes. I almost fell over when he brought me the SIZE 5's he is now wearing!!! He is only that a normal size...???? I am sure Ken will post a video as soon as he is back in town. Stay tuned!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A letter from Caroline

We went to the mountains for Memorial Day this year. My uncle has quite a bit of land and a beautiful house that we stay in. The kids really enjoyed going there and riding the 4-wheelers and fishing. When I was making Caroline's bed one day I found a letter under her pillow. I will try and type it exactly the way she wrote it....

Der MoM and DaD i Louv You Gis But I am Lost But i am in The woos sum wer
Louv CaroLine

The reason I am putting this on here now is that I just came across it in my calendar and think it is so precious! She was 6 and in kindergarten.

Sam skates at the beach.

Ken took Sam to Stability Skatepark while at the beach. Sam had a blast! He jumped a 7 foot gap, dropped into an 8 foot bowl and grinded the rails. We are going back next weekend for a competition there.
Sam posing "skater style".
This was after he skated the bowl.

Grinding the bench.
Grinding the rail.
This is a 7 foot gap that he actually landed on the other side.
Skating the bowl. Look how cut he is! We all need excerise like this!
Sam has sent a video into "Shred or Die..Gear 4 a Year". They are looking for 200 skaters to pick the best 10 for a competition. If you win you get sponsored and equipment for a year. Please go to and search Sam Ogden, watch his video and "shred" it!

Our Beach Vacation

We had a great time at the beach this year! We went for 4 days, which was just enough! Here are some pictures...I hope that you enjoy!

Caroline at Putt-Putt. Her face was about as pink as her ear rings!
Sam playing a ball game w/Tony.
Sam after he won Putt-Putt!
Caroline and Jake with their boogie boards.
All of the cousins!
Ken w/Sam and Caroline...she was against this picture being taken!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Caroline's first art class painting.

Caroline has always had a passion for drawing. She has claimed that she is an "artist" for a while now. Since she did not have dance this summer, I paid for 4 art classes at a studio in Matthews. She watched the teacher draw on the board in front of the room. Then she would draw her lines on her own paper. She then showed her how to use water colored pencils, and paints. The teacher was amazed at how Caroline already had an eye for shadowing and texture. Caroline has decided to quit dance and take art classes now. Her teacher has offered to give her private lessons from her home.

I have to say...we are very proud!!! God has gifted both of our children with great talents. I am so happy that they have discovered them at such a young age. I am excited to see where they will be in 10 years!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Deeper Still Conference

This past weekend I had the pleasure to attend the Deeper Still conference in Greensboro. I got to sit and listen to my "hero" Beth Moore. I have done several of her Bible studies and thank God for her ability to teach every time. However, I was introduced to 2 new (as in I had never heard them) Christian "powerhouses": Kay Arthur and Priscilla Shrier. God has truly blessed these women with the gift of teaching. I sat and listened so intently. Coming out of this, I remember one thing most....Kay Arthur spoke the first night out of Hebrews. It was on rest. Her definition of rest was; "When you marry the Word with faith, you get rest." This is extremely hard to do if you do not fully trust God. You get bad news, you remember the Word, you have faith and you rest IN God.

I am giving the worship it's own paragraph! Travis Cottrell! If you have not heard him, go get the CD! Or you can just listen to my play list! There is nothing more powerful than being in a coliseum with 10,00 other women all praising God! The power of the music, the beat of the drums, the moving of the Holy Spirit! Why can Sundays not be like this?.....Some of you know my delima over this......Anyway, I got my picture taken with Travis but my friend has not given it to me yet.

Thanks to Kay Arthur I now know what our fall Bible study will be: Covenant. The teachings of Gods promises. Oh how I can not wait!!!!