Monday, August 3, 2009

Deeper Still Conference

This past weekend I had the pleasure to attend the Deeper Still conference in Greensboro. I got to sit and listen to my "hero" Beth Moore. I have done several of her Bible studies and thank God for her ability to teach every time. However, I was introduced to 2 new (as in I had never heard them) Christian "powerhouses": Kay Arthur and Priscilla Shrier. God has truly blessed these women with the gift of teaching. I sat and listened so intently. Coming out of this, I remember one thing most....Kay Arthur spoke the first night out of Hebrews. It was on rest. Her definition of rest was; "When you marry the Word with faith, you get rest." This is extremely hard to do if you do not fully trust God. You get bad news, you remember the Word, you have faith and you rest IN God.

I am giving the worship it's own paragraph! Travis Cottrell! If you have not heard him, go get the CD! Or you can just listen to my play list! There is nothing more powerful than being in a coliseum with 10,00 other women all praising God! The power of the music, the beat of the drums, the moving of the Holy Spirit! Why can Sundays not be like this?.....Some of you know my delima over this......Anyway, I got my picture taken with Travis but my friend has not given it to me yet.

Thanks to Kay Arthur I now know what our fall Bible study will be: Covenant. The teachings of Gods promises. Oh how I can not wait!!!!

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