Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Things they say!

When do they learn geography?

Mom and Dad took Sam, Jake and Caroline to Cherokee this past weekend. Everyone was getting hungry so Mom said they were going to stop in Shelby to eat.....

Caroline: "Shelby, Idaho? Jake, give me that map! Nnnnoooowwwww, we are in North America, so we have to go to South America and we will get to Shelby, Idaho!"

Sam: ..."we are not going to Idaho! We are not going to South America..."

Sam and Gaddy shopping

Sam always knows how much money he has and how much he wants to keep it!

Sam: "Gaddy, how much is this knife? I really want it!
Gaddy: "It's $30.00, if you put down $20.00 I will pay $10.00."
Sam: " Well then I won't have any money left. I really want it." (insert tear)
Gaddy: "I will tell you what, you pay $10.00 and I will pay $20.00....." (insert Sam's evil laugh)

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